Adjectives that Start with A! In this article, you will learn a list of common adjectives that start with A in English with the picture and example sentences.
Table of Contents
Adjectives that Start with A
List of Adjectives that Start with A
- Aback
- Abaft
- Abandoned
- Abashed
- Aberrant
- Abhorrent
- Abiding
- Abject
- Ablaze
- Able
- Abnormal
- Aboard
- Aboriginal
- Abortive
- Abounding
- Abrasive
- Abrupt
- Absent
- Absolute
- Absorbed
- Absorbing
- Abstracted
- Absurd
- Abundant
- Abusive
- Academic
- Acceptable
- Accessible
- Accidental
- Acclaimed
- Accomplished
- Accurate
- Aching
- Acid
- Acidic
- Acoustic
- Acrid
- Acrobatic
- Active
- Actual
- Actually
- Adamant
- Adaptable
- Addicted
- Adept
- Adhesive
- Adhoc
- Adjoining
- Admirable
- Admired
- Adolescent
- Adorable
- Adored
- Advanced
- Adventurous
- Affectionate
- Afraid
- Aged
- Aggravating
- Aggressive
- Agile
- Agitated
- Agonizing
- Agreeable
- Ahead
- Ajar
- Alarmed
- Alarming
- Alcoholic
- Alert
- Alienated
- Alike
- Alive
- All
- Alleged
- Alluring
- Aloof
- Altruistic
- Amazing
- Ambiguous
- Ambitious
- Amiable
- Ample
- Amuck
- Amused
- Amusing
- Anchored
- Ancient
- Ancient
- Angelic
- Angry
- Anguished
- Animated
- Annoyed
- Annoying
- Annual
- Another
- Antique
- Antsy
- Anxious
- Any
- Apathetic
- Appetizing
- Apprehensive
- Appropriate
- Apt
- Aquatic
- Arctic
- Arid
- Aromatic
- Arrogant
- Artistic
- Ashamed
- Aspiring
- Assorted
- Assured
- Astonishing
- Athletic
- Attached
- Attentive
- Attractive
- Auspicious
- Austere
- Authentic
- Authorized
- Automatic
- Available
- Avaricious
- Average
- Awake
- Aware
- Awesome
- Awful
- Awkward
- Axiomatic
Adjectives that Start with A with Examples
Learn adjectives that start with A with example sentences.
- Jonadab was taken aback, not being a man given to overt affection.
- A fraud trial involving two homosexual lawyers was abandoned.
- The girl was abashed by the laughter of her classmates.
- You figure you’ve got a handle on all but the most aberrant human behaviour.
- Racial discrimination is abhorrent to my council and our staff.
- He is an artist with an abiding concern for humanity.
- This scheme was an abject failure.
- Within minutes the whole house was ablaze.
- I’ve always wanted to be able to speak Japanese.
- They thought his behaviour was abnormal.
- We must not take combustible goods aboard.
- Most railway sidings on the Nullarbor have lyrical aboriginal names.
- I made an abortive attempt to win his support.
- Sweet bounce, abounding of sweet canicule and roses.
- She was a tough girl with rather an abrasive manner.
- The accident brought his career to an abrupt end.
- The eye is blind if the mind is absent.
- Around them the darkness was absolute, the silence oppressive.
- He eyed the coming tide with an absorbed attention.
- The Chancellor’s speech was an absorbing piece of political theatre.
- The same abstracted look was still on his face.
- There is abundant evidence that cars have a harmful effect on the environment.
- Smith denies using abusive language to the referee.
- I was never a particularly academic child.
- Students who achieve an acceptable standard will progress to degree studies.
- The remote desert area is accessible only by helicopter.
- The jury returned a verdict of accidental death.
- She’s a very accomplished pianist/painter/horsewoman.
- He has made an accurate measurement of my garden.
- Dissolved carbon dioxide makes the water more acidic.
- Inverted flight is an acrobatic manoeuvre of the plane.
- The actual nest is a work of art.
- Veronica was quite adamant that they should stay on.
- They were charming women, well-bred, gentle, and very adaptable.
- I sealed up the package with strong adhesive tape.
- Her coolness in an emergency was admirable.
- It is important that an adolescent boy should have an adult in whom he can confide.
- She has the most adorable two-year-old girl.
- I’m trying to be more adventurous with my cooking.
- A puppy is naturally affectionate and excitable.
- Some children are much more aggressive than others.
- Your refusal puts me in an awkward predicament.
- That new white convertible is totally awesome.
- There is no proof that the document is authentic.
- Customers want companies that are attentive to their needs.
- Jill gradually became aware of an awful smell.
- First-class accommodation is available on all flights.
- The heating system has automatic temperature control.
Learn more with words that start with A in English.
Adjectives that Start with A Infographic
Adjectives that Start with A Infographic 1
Adjectives that Start with A Infographic 2