The Animal world always brings us wonderful beauty and interesting curiosity. Animals that start with M in the list of useful vocabulary article which about creatures around the globe will apply some knowledge for you.
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Animals that Start with M
List of Animals that Start with M
Learn 100+ animals that start with M in English.
- Macaque
- Macaw
- Mackerel
- Magpie
- Mako Shark
- Mallard Duck
- Mamba
- Manatee
- Mandarin Duck
- Mandrill
- Maned Wolf
- Manta Ray
- Map Turtle
- Mara
- Marlin
- Marmoset
- Marmot
- Marten
- Mastadon
- Meadowlark
- Megalodon
- Merganser
- Merino Sheep
- Merlin
- Milk Fish
- Milk Snake
- Mink
- Minnow
- Mite
- Moa
- Moccasin
- Mockingbird
- Mole
- Mole Rat
- Molly
- Moloch
- Mongoose
- Monitor Lizard
- Monkfish
- Moon Bear
- Moon Fish
- Moose
- Moray Eel
- Mountain Beaver
- Mountain Goat
- Mountain Lion
- Mountain Sheep
- Mourning Dove
- Mule
- Mule Deer
- Muscovy Duck
- Musk Ox
- Muskrat
- Mustang
- Mallard
- Margay
- Mayfly
- Meerkat
- Millipede
- Monarch Butterfly
- Mollusk
- Monkey
- Mosquito
- Moth
- Mouse
- Mammoth
- Manba Snake
- Minature Horse
- Motmot
- Muntjac
- Muskox
- Ma’s Night Monkey
- Macarthur’s Shrew
- Macconnell’s Bat
- Macconnell’s Climbing Mouse
- Macconnell’s Rice Rat
- Macedonian Mouse
- Mackillingin’s Gerbil
- Maclaud’s Horseshoe Bat
- Maclear’s Rat
- Macleay’s Mustached Bat
- Macmillan’s Shrew
- Macmillan’s Thicket Rat
- Macow’s Shrew
- Madagascan Dwarf Hippopotamus
- Madagascan Flying Fox
- Madagascan Fruit Bat
- Madagascan Large Free-Tailed Bat
- Madagascan Rousette
- Madagascan Shrew
- Madeira Pipistrelle
- Madras Tree Shrew
- Magdalena Rat
- Magdalena Spiny Rat
- Magellanic Pygmy Rice Rat
- Magellanic Tuco-Tuco
- Maggie Taylor’s Roundleaf Bat
- Mahogany Glider
- Mahomet Mouse
- Major’s Tufted-Tailed Rat
- Malabar Civet
- Malabar Spiny Dormouse
- Malagasy Civet
- Malagasy Giant Rat
- Malagasy Mouse-Eared Bat
- Malaita Tube-Nosed Fruit Bat
- Malayan Civet
- Malayan Field Rat
- Malayan Flying Lemur
- Malayan Free-Tailed Bat
- Malayan Horseshoe Bat
- Malayan Mountain Spiny Rat
- Malayan Pangolin
- Malayan Porcupine
- Malayan Pygmy Shrew
- Malayan Roundleaf Bat
- Malayan Shrew
- Malayan Slit-Faced Bat
- Malayan Tailless Leaf-Nosed Bat
- Malayan Tapir
- Malayan Tree Rat
- Malayan Weasel
- Mamore Arboreal Rice Rat
- Manchurian Hare
- Manchurian Zokor
- Mandarin Vole
- Mandelli’s Mouse-Eared Bat
- Maned Three-Toed Sloth
- Manenguba Shrew
- Manipur Bush Rat
- Manipur White-Toothed Rat
- Manso Grass Mouse
- Mantled Howler Monkey
- Mantled Mastiff Bat
- Manusela Mosaic-Tailed Rat
- Maquassie Musk Shrew
- Marajó Short-Tailed Opossum
- Marbled Cat
- Marbled Polecat
- Marcano’s Solenodon
- Margarita Island Kangaroo Rat
- Marianas Flying Fox
- Marie’s Vole
- Marine Otter
- Marinkelle’s Sword-Nosed Bat
- Maritime Striped Squirrel
- Markham’s Grass Mouse
- Markhor
- Marmoset Rat
- Marsh Deer
- Marsh Mongoose
- Marsh Mouse
- Marsh Rabbit
- Marsh Rat
- Marsh Rice Rat
- Marsh Shrew
- Marsupial Mole
- Martino’s Snow Vole
- Masked Flying Fox
- Masked Mouse-Tailed Dormouse
- Masked Palm Civet
- Masked Titi
- Masked White-Tailed Rat
- Master Leaf-Eared Mouse
- Mato Grosso Dog-Faced Bat
- Matthey’s Mouse
- Maule Tuco-Tuco
- Mauritanian Gerbil
- Mauritanian Shrew
- Mauritian Tomb Bat
- Max’s Shrew
- Maximowicz’s Vole
- Maxwell’s Duiker
- Maya Mouse
- Mayor’s Mouse
- Mbarapi Or Sable Antelope
- Meadow Jumping Mouse
- Meadow Vole
- Mearns’s Flying Fox
- Mearns’s Grasshopper Mouse
- Mearns’s Pouched Mouse
- Mearns’s Squirrel
- Mechow’s Mole Rat
- Mediterranean Horseshoe Bat
- Mediterranean Mole
- Mediterranean Monk Seal
- Mediterranean Pine Vole
- Medium-Tailed Brush-Furred
- Medje Free-Tailed Bat
- Mehely’s Horseshoe Bat
- Melissa’s Yellow-Eared Bat
- Meller’s Mongoose
- Melon-Headed Whale
- Mendoza Tuco-Tuco
- Mentawai Leaf Monkey
- Mentawai Long-Tailed Giant Rat
- Mentawai Rat
- Mentawai Squirrel
- Mentawai Three-Striped Squirrel
- Mentawi Flying Squirrel
- Menzbier’s Marmot
- Menzies’s Echymipera
- Merida Small-Eared Shrew
- Merriam’s Chipmunk
- Merriam’s Ground Squirrel
- Merriam’s Kangaroo Rat
- Merriam’s Pocket Gopher
- Merriam’s Pocket Mouse
- Merriam’s Shrew
- Mesopotamian Gerbil
- Mesquite Mouse
- Mexican Agouti
- Mexican Big-Eared Bat
- Mexican Black Howler Monkey
- Mexican Cottontail
- Mexican Deer Mouse
- Mexican Fox Squirrel
- Mexican Funnel-Eared Bat
- Mexican Ground Squirrel
- Mexican Hairy Dwarf Porcupine
- Mexican Harvest Mouse
- Mexican Long-Nosed Bat
- Mexican Long-Tailed Shrew
- Mexican Long-Tongued Bat
- Mexican Mouse Opossum
- Mexican Prairie Dog
- Mexican Shrew
- Mexican Small-Eared Shrew
- Mexican Spiny Pocket Mouse
- Mexican Volcano Mouse
- Mexican Vole
- Mexican Water Mouse
- Mexican Woodrat
- Mianzini Mole Rat
- Michoacan Deer Mouse
- Michoacan Pocket Gopher
- Mid-Day Jird
- Midas Free-Tailed Bat
- Midas Tamarin
- Middendorf’s Vole
- Millard’s Rat
- Miller’s Long-Tongued Bat
- Miller’s Mastiff Bat
- Miller’s Myotis
- Miller’s Striped Mouse
- Milne-Edwards’s Sportive Lemur
- Minahassa Pipistrelle
- Minahassa Ranee Mouse
- Minca Spiny Rat
- Mindanao Flying Squirrel
- Mindanao Gymnure
- Mindanao Hairy-Tailed Rat
- Mindanao Lowland Forest Mouse
- Mindanao Montane Forest Mouse
- Mindanao Mountain Rat
- Mindanao Pygmy Fruit Bat
- Mindanao Shrew
- Mindanao Shrew Rat
- Mindanao Squirrel
- Mindanao Tree Shrew
- Mindoro Black Rat
- Mindoro Rat
- Mindoro Shrew
- Mindoro Striped Rat
- Miniscule Shrew
- Minke Whale
- Minute Shrew
- Mira Climbing Rat
- Misonne’s Soft-Furred Mouse
- Miss Ryley’s Soft-Furred Rat
- Mitchell’s Hopping Mouse
- Mitred Horseshoe Bat
- Mitred Leaf Monkey
- Mittendorf’s Striped Grass Mouse
- Mo’s Spiny Rat
- Modest Titi
- Mohave Ground Squirrel
- Molaccan Prehensile-Tailed Rat
- Mole Shrew
- Molina’s Grass Mouse
- Molina’s Hog-Nosed Skunk
- Moloney’s Flat-Headed Bat
- Moluccan Cuscus
- Moluccan Flying Fox
- Moluccan Naked-Backed Fruit Bat
- Mona Monkey
- Monard’s Dormouse
- Moncton’s Mosaic-Tailed Rat
- Mongalla Free-Tailed Bat
- Mongolian Five-Toed Jerboa
- Mongolian Gazelle
- Mongolian Hamster
- Mongolian Jird
- Mongolian Silver Vole
- Mongolian Three-Toed Jerboa
- Mongolian Vole
- Mongoose Lemur
- Monito Del Monte
- Monjon
- Monk Saki
- Monster Rice Rat
- Montane Fish-Eating Rat
- Montane Guinea Pig
- Montane Hutia
- Montane Long-Nosed Squirrel
- Montane Monkey-Faced Bat
- Montane Mouse Shrew
- Montane Myotis
- Montane Oldfield Mouse
- Montane Shaggy Rat
- Montane Shrew
- Montane Vole
- Montane White-Toothed Shrew
- Montane Wood Mouse
- Monte Gerbil Mouse
- Moon Shrew
- Moon Striped Mouse
- Moon-Toothed Degu
- Moonrat
- Moorland Shrew
- Morgan’s Gerbil Mouse
- Morris’s Bat
- Mortlock Flying Fox
- Moss-Forest Blossom Bat
- Moss-Forest Rat
- Mottle-Face Tamarin
- Mottled Tuco-Tuco
- Mottled-Tailed Shrew Mouse
- Mound-Building Mouse
- Mount Popa Pipistrelle
- Mountain Anoa
- Mountain Brushtail Possum
- Mountain Coati
- Mountain Cottontail
- Mountain Cuscus
- Mountain Degu
- Mountain Gazelle
- Mountain Giant Rat
- Mountain Hare
- Mountain Mosaic-Tailed Rat
- Mountain Noctule
- Mountain Nyala
- Mountain Paca
- Mountain Pocket Gopher
- Mountain Pygmy Possum
- Mountain Reedbuck
- Mountain Shrew
- Mountain Spiny Pocket Mouse
- Mountain Spiny Rat
- Mountain Tapir
- Mountain Tree Shrew
- Mountain Tube-Nosed Fruit Bat
- Mountain Water Rat
- Mountain Weasel
- Mountain Zebra
- Moupin Pika
- Mouse Bandicoot
- Mouse-Eared Bat
- Mouse-Like Hamster
- Mouse-Tailed Shrew
- Mouse-Tailed Spiny Rat
- Moustached Monkey
- Mozambique Thicket Rat
- Mt. Apo Forest Mouse
- Mt. Data Shrew Rat
- Mt. Gargues Pipistrelle
- Mt. Hermon Field Mouse
- Mt. Isarog Shrew Mouse
- Mt. Kahuzi Climbing Mouse
- Mt. Kenya Shrew
- Mt. Lyell Shrew
- Mt. Malindang Shrew
- Mt. Oku Rat
- Mt. Pirri Climbing Mouse
- Mt. Pirri Isthmus Rat
- Mueller’s Giant Sunda Rat
- Muennink’s Spiny Rat
- Muisk Vole
- Mulgara
- Muli Pika
- Mullah Spiny Mouse
- Murine Mouse Opossum
- Muriqui Or Woolly Spider Monkey
- Murree Vole
- Musky Rat Kangaroo
- Musschenbroek’s Spiny Rat
- Musser’s Shrew Mouse
- Musso’s Fish-Eating Rat
- Mutable Sun Squirrel
- Muton’s Soft-Furred Mouse
- Mzab Gundi
- Machilid
- Machilidae
- Mackerel
- Macrocephalon
- Macrocheira
- Macroclemys
- Macrodactylus
- Macronectes
- Macropodidae
- Macropus
- Macrorhamphosidae
- Macrotis
- Macrotus
- Macrouridae
- Macrozoarces
- Macruridae
- Mademoiselle
- Madoqua
- Madreporaria
- Madrepore
- Maeandra
- Maggot
- Magicicada
- Maigre
- Maja
- Majidae
- Mako
- Malacanthidae
- Malaclemys
- Malacopterygian
- Malacopterygii
- Malacosoma
- Malacostraca
- Malamute
- Maleo
- Malinois
- Maltese
- Mammalia
- Mammalian
- Mammutidae
- Manakin
- Mandrillus
- Manduca
- Mane
- Mangabey
- Manta
- Manteidae
- Manteodea
- Mantid
- Mantidae
- Mantis
- Mantispid
- Mantispidae
- Mantophasmatodea
- Manul
- Manx
- Mara
- Marabou
- Marabout
- Mare
- Margate
- Margay
- Marginocephalia
- Marginocephalian
- Markhoor
- Markhor
- Marlin
- Marmoset
- Marmot
- Marmota
- Marsupial
- Marsupialia
- Marten
- Martes
- Martin
- Massasauga
- Masticophis
- Mastiff
- Mastigophora
- Mastigoproctus
- Mastodon
- Mastodont
- Mastotermes
- Mastotermitidae
- Maverick
- Mavis
- Maxostoma
- Mayetiola
- Mayfish
- Mayfly
- Mazama
Learning more about animals that start with A.
Animals that Start with M with Examples
Let see the examples below to know clearly about the list of animals that start with M.
- Inside this room sits a motionless macaque monkey.
- Parrots and macaws grab them with their beaks.
- They’d gone out to fish for mackerel.
- One of these birds is depicted as a magpie.
- The Black Mamba lives in South Africa.
- We watched dolphin, manatee, sea lion and whale shows.
- The Mandarin duck is a medium-size perching duck, closely related to the North American wood duck.
- Just think of the red stripes scowling face of the male Mandrill, Africa’s largest monkey species.
- I could work with everything from marmosets to elephants.
- Maybe after a few thousand years of marmot for breakfast, dinner and tea they fancied a change.
- Hence the mink is not so much a threat to the muskrat population as a direct competitor with muskrat trappers.
- Dad, the mongoose got in the garbage again!
- He set off for a nineteen-day moose hunt in Nova Scotia.
- Will the mountain lion smell me out?
- Minks also eat muskrat carrion, and abandoned lodges provide valuable denning sites.
- There were squirming, naked mayfly nymphs that had always been hidden before.
- For the meerkat family unable to leave the desert plains, life is now really tough.
- The monkey was swinging in the tree.
- A mosquito had bitten her and her arm had swollen up.
- It’s a poor mouse that has only on hole.
Animals that Start with M | Image
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