This lesson provides a list of collective nouns for birds in English. The list gives the word for the bird on the left, and its collective noun on the right.
Table of Contents
List of Collective Nouns for Birds
Learn collective nouns for birds in English.
- Birds of Prey (hawks, falcons): Cast, cauldron, kettle
- Bobolinks: Chain
- Buzzards: Wake
- Cardinals: College, conclave, radiance, vatican
- Catbirds: Mewing
- Chickadees: Banditry
- Chickens: Peep
- Cormorants: Flight, gulp, sunning, swim
- Coots: Cover
- Cowbirds: Corral, herd
- Cranes: Herd, dance
- Creepers: Spiral
- Crossbills: Crookedness, warp
- Crows: Murder, congress, horde, muster, cauldron
- Doves: Bevy, cote, flight
- Ducks: Raft, team, paddling, badling
- Eagles: Convocation, congregation, aerie
- Emus: Mob
- Finches: Charm, trembling
- Flamingos: Flamboyance, stand
- Frigatebirds: Fleet, flotilla
- Game Birds (quail, grouse, ptarmigan): Covey, pack, bevy
- Geese: Skein, wedge, gaggle, plump
- Godwits: Omniscience, prayer, pantheon
- Grosbeaks: Gross
- Gulls: Colony, squabble, flotilla, scavenging, gullery
- Herons: Siege, sedge, scattering
- Hoatzins: Herd
- Hummingbirds: Charm, glittering, shimmer, tune, bouquet, hover
- Jays: Band, party, scold, cast
- Kingbirds: Coronation, court, tyranny
- Kingfishers: Concentration, clique, rattle
- Knots: Cluster
- Lapwings: Deceit
- Larks: Bevy, exaltation, ascension, happiness
- Loons: Asylum, cry, water dance
- Magpies: Tiding
- Mallards: Sord, flush
- Nightingales: Watch
- Owls: Parliament, wisdom, study, bazaar, glaring
- Parrots: Pandemonium, company, prattle
- Partridges: Covey
- Peafowl: Party, ostentation
- Pelicans: Squadron, pod, scoop
- Penguins: Colony, huddle, creche, waddle
- Phalaropes: Swirl, twirl, whirl, whirligig
- Pheasants: Nye, bevy, bouquet, covey
- Plovers: Congregation
- Quail: Drift, flush, rout
- Ravens: Murder, congress, horde, unkindness
- Roadrunners: Race, marathon
- Rooks: Clamour, parliament, building
- Sapsuckers: Slurp
- Skimmers: Scoop
- Snipe: Walk, wisp
- Sparrows: Host, quarrel, knot, flutter, crew
- Starlings: Chattering, affliction, murmuration, scourge, constellation
- Storks: Mustering
- Swallows: Flight, gulp
- Swans: Wedge, ballet, lamentation, whiteness, regatta
- Teals: Spring
- Terns: Cotillion
- Turkeys: Rafter, gobble, gang, posse
- Turtledoves: Pitying
- Vultures: Committee, venue, volt, wake
- Warblers: Confusion, wrench, fall
- Woodcocks: Fall
- Woodpeckers: Descent, drumming
- Wrens: Herd, chime