Words that Start with M! In this lesson, you will learn a list of common words that start with M in English with ESL picture and example sentences to help you expand your vocabulary words.
Table of Contents
Words that Start with M
List of Words that Start with M
- Motorbike
- Motor
- Mother
- Motel
- Mote
- Mot
- Mosts
- Mostly
- Mostest
- Moste
- Most
- More
- Moped
- Mope
- Moody
- Moods
- Moodiness
- Moodily
- Moodiest
- Moodier
- Mood
- Monographic
- Monitory
- Monitorships
- Monitorship
- Monitors
- Mom
- Moly
- Mole
- Moisture
- Modifier
- Modified
- Modes
- Moderns
- Mistrustful
- Mistrusted
- Mistrust
- Mistrials
- Mistrial
- Mistresses
- Mistress
- Mistaken
- Mistake
- Misbehaves
- Misbehavers
- Misbehaver
- Misbehaved
- Misbehave
- Miraculously
- Miraculous
- Miracles
- Miracle
- Milky
- Milk
- Milestones
- Milestone
- Milesian
- Miles
- Milers
- Miler
- Mileposts
- Milepost
- Mileages
- Mileage
- Mile
- Metric
- Metres
- Message
- Mess
- Menu
- Mental
- Memory
- Memorizing
- Memorizes
- Memorizers
- Memorizer
- Memorized
- Memorize
- Memorable
- Memorability
- Memorabilities
- Memorabilia
- Memoirs
- Memoirists
- Memoirist
- Meme
- Membranous
- Membranes
- Membraned
- Membrane
- Membranal
- Memberships
- Membership
- Members
- Memberless
- Membered
- Member
- Melt
- Melody
- Medicines
- Medicined
- Medicine
- Medicinals
- Medicinally
- Medicinal
- Medicides
- Medicide
- Medicative
- Medications
- Medication
- Medicating
- Medicates
- Medicated
- Medicate
- Medicares
- Medicare
- Medicaments
- Medicament
- Medicals
- Medically
- Medical
- Media
- Mechanism
- Mechanised
- Mechanise
- Mechanics
- Mechanicians
- Mechanician
- Mechanicals
- Mechanically
- Mechanical
- Mechanic
- Meant
- Meanspiritedly
- Meanspirited
- Means
- Meaninglessness
- Meaninglessly
- Meaningless
- Meaningfulness
- Meaningfully
- Meaningful
- Meaning
- Meal
- Maximized
- Maximize
- Maximizations
- Maximization
- Maximising
- Max
- Matured
- Mature
- Mathematics
- Mathematicians
- Mathematician
- Mathematically
- Mathematical
- Mathematic
- Math
- Material
- Mate
- Matchless
- Matching
- Matches
- Matchers
- Matcher
- Matched
- Matchboxes
- Matchbox
- Matchbooks
- Matchbook
- Matchboards
- Matchboard
- Matchable
- Match
- Masterfully
- Masterful
- Mastered
- Masterdoms
- Masterdom
- Master
- Massiveness
- Massively
- Massive
- Massaging
- Massages
- Massagers
- Massager
- Massaged
- Massage
- Masks
- Masklike
- Maskings
- Masking
- Maskers
- Masker
- Masked
- Maskable
- Mask
- Marvels
- Marvelousness
- Marvelously
- Marvelous
- Marvellously
- Marvellous
- Marvelling
- Marvelled
- Marveling
- Marveled
- Marvel
- Mars
- Marrying
- Marry
- March
- Marcels
- Marcelling
- Marcelled
- Marcel
- Marathon
- Marasca
- Maras
- Maranta
- Maracas
- Maraca
- Marabouts
- Marabout
- Marabous
- Marabou
- Mara
- Mar
- Maquis
- Map
- Manner
- Mango
- Manga
- Manfulness
- Manfully
- Manful
- Man
- Mammals
- Mammal
- Mall
- Malaysian
- Maker
- Makeovers
- Makeover
- Makebates
- Makebate
- Makeable
- Make
- Majors
- Majorly
- Majority
- Majorities
- Mainstream
- Main
- Mailbox
- Mailbags
- Mailbag
- Mailable
- Mailability
- Mailabilities
- Magicians
- Magician
- Magically
- Magical
- Magic
- Made
- Mad
- Machinery
- Machineries
- Machinelike
- Machined
- Machineable
- Machineability
- Machineabilities
- Machine
- Macaw
- Macaroons
- Macaroon
Words that Start with M with Examples
- Leave the chocolate macaroon in room temperature until the surface becomes dry.
- They wanted to design a machine that was both attractive and practical.
- New machinery has enhanced the company’s productivity and competitiveness.
- The man who has made up his mind to win will never say ” Impossible”.
- The witch enchanted the princess with magic words.
- Giving up smoking had a magical effect on his stamina.
- The secretary has a large amount of mail to answer every day.
- He stopped at the mailbox and dropped the letter in.
- The majority of union members voted in favour of a strike.
- English majors would be asked to explore the roots of language.
- You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs.
- The biggest makeover has been in the TV drama.
- They’re the biggest maker of fast-food products in the UK.
- I’ll wander around the mall for half an hour.
- But the powerful resonance of a marine mammal exhaling through its blowhole again reaches my ears.
- He was talking while pointing at the map.
- She did/ran her first marathon in just under three hours.
- One can only marvel at the way the building has been constructed.
- That’s a marvellous description, Mrs Drummond. You’re unusually observant.
- Doctors working in an operating theatre have to mask their noses and mouths with a special clean cloth.
- Big, successful moves need bold, masterful managers.
Learn more with words that start with L in English.
Can you explain what the difference is between a root word and an actual word?
I know so many words that start with m now