Words that Start with T! In this lesson, you will learn a list of common words that start with T in English with ESL picture and useful example sentences to help you broaden your vocabulary words.
Table of Contents
Words that Start with T
List of Words that Start with T
- Tab
- Table
- Tabletting
- Tableware
- Tackle
- Tactful
- Tactfully
- Tail
- Tailback
- Tailwind
- Take
- Takeable
- Takeaway
- Takeout
- Takeouts
- Takeover
- Takeovers
- Taker
- Takers
- Takes
- Takeup
- Talent
- Talented
- Tall
- Tape
- Tapeable
- Taped
- Tapeless
- Tapelike
- Target
- Targetable
- Targeted
- Targeting
- Targets
- Tattoo
- Taxi
- Tax
- Tea
- Teaberries
- Teaberry
- Teabox
- Teaboxes
- Teacake
- Teacakes
- Teacart
- Teach
- Teachers
- Teaches
- Teaching
- Teachings
- Teacup
- Team
- Teamaker
- Teamakers
- Teamed
- Teaming
- Teammate
- Teammates
- Teamwork
- Tear
- Tearful
- Tearfully
- Teaspoon
- Technically
- Technicals
- Technician
- Technicians
- Technics
- Technique
- Technical
- Teen
- Teenage
- Teenaged
- Teenager
- Teenagers
- Telecom
- Telecommunicate
- Telecommunication
- Telecommunications
- Telecommute
- Telephone
- Telescope
- Telescoped
- Temple
- Template
- Templates
- Temporary
- Temporise
- Temporised
- Temporises
- Temporising
- Temporization
- Temporizations
- Tend
- Term
- Terminal
- Termination
- Terms
- Terrify
- Terrifying
- Terror
- Terrorise
- Terrorised
- Terrorises
- Terrorising
- Terrorism
- Terrorisms
- Test
- Thank
- Thanked
- Thanker
- Thankers
- Thankful
- Thankfuller
- Thankfullest
- Thankfully
- Thankfulness
- That
- Theme
- Themed
- Themes
- Theming
- Themself
- Theory
- Thick
- Thief
- Thieve
- Thieved
- Thin
- Third
- Thirdly
- Thirsty
- Thirteen
- Though
- Thought
- Thoughtful
- Thoughtfully
- Thoughtfulness
- Thread
- Threaten
- Threatened
- Threatener
- Threateners
- Threatening
- Threateningly
- Threatens
- Threating
- Threats
- Three
- Thumbprints
- Thumbs
- Time
- Timecard
- Timecards
- Timed
- Timekeeper
- Timekeepers
- Timekeeping
- Timekeepings
- Timeless
- Timelessly
- Timelessness
- Timelier
- Timeliest
- Timeline
- Timelines
- Timeliness
- Timely
- Timeous
- Timeously
- Timeout
- Timeouts
- Timepiece
- Timepieces
- Timepleaser
- Timepleasers
- Timer
- Timers
- Times
- Timesaver
- Tiny
- Tip
- Tiptoe
- Tiptoed
Words that Start with T with Examples
- The company picked up the tab for his hotel room.
- She left her purse on the table as a test of the child’s honesty.
- Mix and match your tableware and textiles from the new Design House collection.
- There is more than one way to tackle the problem.
- He had been extremely tactful in dealing with the financial question.
- The cow knows not what her tail is worth until she has lost it.
- A tailwind had cut the flying time by half an hour.
- Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in.
- They charge the same price for a takeaway as they do for eating in the restaurant.
- The company successfully mounted a takeover bid in 1996.
- His energy and talent elevate him to godlike status.
- Love isn’t just for the smart of talented, but for all the animals’ God created.
- He was pouring ice and lemonade into tall glasses.
- We decided that we needed to change our target market from the over-45s to the 35-45s.
- In the old days, they would paint and tattoo their bodies for ceremonies.
- Let’s not take a taxi; we can easily walk over.
- Can you carry the tea things and the cake out into the garden?
- That looks like Otley standing behind the teacakes.
- In education, we are striving not to teach youth to make a living but to make a life.
- The first baseman was dumped from the team.
- He recovered, but a teammate had to step in for the medal ceremony.
Learn more with words that start with S in English.